Sunday 27 January 2013

A little hello :)

Welcome to my blog which will be full of recipes, ideas, pictures and tips for great fun cooking and baking! I am a full time mummy, with a huge passion for cooking and baking and understand the importance of providing good, yummy food to the table, with two hungry boys in my house I wanted to make sure all our food is homemade including the bread we eat...honestly it's easier than it sounds. I will be posting on my Facebook page "Truly Baking Mad Mummy" and on my blog on a regular basis, with updates on what I've made, recipes, pictures and the many new ideas I have that I am just bursting to tell you about! Feel free to leave feedback on any of my posts, I look forward to hearing your comments and happy cooking :))

1 comment:

  1. I have started a blog this year too. I am full time mummy to with a little boy. I did a cookery school but I didn't really like, but I love cooking and baking at home. :)
